Oppdaterte prisar på personlege illustrasjonar!

Updated prices for personal illustrations!

Hello, dear one who drops by because you're looking for a personal gift a little out of the ordinary.

31: January I updated prices for personal illustrations to keep up with both the amount of time and work I add in the works. I have built up a reasonably good skill that is somewhat different from other cartoons on the market. And if you haven't been here before, you might still be thinking, "This was super cheap!" But I have actually increased the price, not lowered it.

One of the reasons for the price is because of the software I use. I've used a semi-legal version and I've gone over to use the lawyer. It costs me a sum every month in addition to the hardware I use begin to move dangerously quickly towards" Need to be replaced" standard. In addition to software and hardware, I will devote more time to painting in 2024. painting and more physical art forms (which will also be sold here in the online store)!

I deeply appreciated those who have used me to illustrate memories and images and valued the continued support in future artwork.

Ms Egil from Egillustrerer

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